Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Disturbing Analogy of the Day

Screw Loose Change, an excellent blog devoted to combating the moral and intellectual plague known as "9/11 trutherism", quoted the following passage from a 9/11 conspiracy web site. The individual in question is bemoaning the loss of influence of parts of the "truth movement":

I have a theory about what is happening here. In the last year we've seen two major trends in the movement. Hits at our prominent websites have gone down, while new chapters of our grassroots organization and street actions have gone up. The people who have been trying to create national coordination for this movement are likely feeling frustrated as people are turning to local coordination.

In contrast, groups like TruthAction and WeAreChange have been drawing participants and forming chapters that can directly address their regional concerns. I wouldn't be surprised to find that there are more people on the street promoting 9/11 truth than ever before.

So I'm thinking that maybe some of the "movement veterans" that we really do respect a great deal for their knowledge and commitment, are feeling some of their influence diminish. Like librarians in the age of the internet. I'm not saying we don't need these people, but possibly some of them are out of step with the direction this is all heading.

(Emphasis added-DD)

It is a bad sign for the library profession when even purveyors of deranged conspiracy theories use us as an analogy for being behind the times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is a bad sign for the library profession when even purveyors of deranged conspiracy theories use us as an analogy for being behind the times."

Hardly... It doesn't do much more than show off their own ignorance and stupidity. Makes one wonder when the last time this individual was actually in a library.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Earl said...

Or, the professional librarian is so far removed from the people that could be patrons, that there isn't a relationship possible. More readers' advisory is done by other readers than by professional librarians - who has more devoted readers - your professional librarian or Oprah? But then, does Oprah go into libraries? or just into houses where the readers are?

9:30 PM  

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