Sunday, April 30, 2006

ALA vs The Boy Scouts

Walter Skold brings word via WorldNetDaily that the hard left on ALA Council have set their sights on yet another target that has absolutely nothing to do with librarianship:

A renewed effort by several members of the American Library Association's governing council would sever all ties with the Boy Scouts of America until the youth organization stops "discriminating" against avowed atheists and homosexuals.

In 1998, the council of the ALA, the world's largest library organization, condemned the Boy Scouts over its policies, but a WorldNetDaily investigation reveals activists quietly are planning to take action at the association's annual convention in June.

The renewed effort is led by Mark Rosenzweig, formerly an official archivist with the U.S. Communist Party and a chief defender of Fidel Castro in the ALA controversy over the communist regime's repression of the independent library movement in Cuba, reported by WorldNetDaily.

As Greg McClay pointed out, the problem with these absurb resolutions is that all too often a majority on ALA Council winds up voting for them. As a result, the association looks ridiculous to outside observers, while those librarians from across the political spectrum who want ALA to focus on its true mission of promoting librarianship are further alienated from the organization.


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