Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Neoconservative Revolution

With all of the infantile conspiracy theories put forth regarding neoconservatives, writings that accurately describe the "neocon" worldview are invaluable. One such essay is Charles Krauthammer's piece from the July/August 2005 issue of Commentary:

The post-cold-war era has seen a remarkable ideological experiment: over the last fifteen years, each of the three major American schools of foreign policy—realism, liberal internationalism, and neoconservatism—has taken its turn at running things. (A fourth school, isolationism, has a long pedigree, but has yet to recover from Pearl Harbor and probably never will; it remains a minor source of dissidence with no chance of becoming a governing ideology.) There is much to be learned from this unusual and unplanned experiment.

The Neoconservative Convergence
(Reprinted by Frontpage Magazine)


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